Yoga Classes
Three Jewels Yoga 💎
This class is designed to build strength and flexibility through a set sequence of postures drawn from the Ashtanga primary series, while also calming the mind and reducing stress through breathing exercises, meditation, and chanting. Three Jewels Yoga is rooted in ancient yogic techniques from Ashtanga and Tibetan Buddhism. By regularly attending this class, you will definitely see improvements in strength, flexibility, endurance, and confidence in your physical and mental states of being.
Intensity Level: Medium
Bliss Yoga 🍯
Cultivate a blissful state of mind and open heart using a traditional rejoicing method called ‘TAR TUK’ in Tibetan. Joy is a powerful tool for prosperity. Expect a fun vinyasa flow with poses that feel good and an emphasis on a gentle but firm approach to flexibility.
Intensity Level: Low
Chakra Yoga ✨
This practice is designed to work explicitly with the chakras to liberate the practitioner from the grasp of suffering. This yoga sequence was created by Lady Niguma, the first recorded female yogi in history. This is the oldest written asana series ever discovered in the history of yoga. Expect a meditation-focused sequence.
Intensity Level: Medium
Goals Yoga 🏆
The path to becoming the highest version of yourself starts with a shift in your state of mind. Learn how to achieve your goals by breaking down your limiting self beliefs and embodying your angelic form. Expect a vinyasa flow that allows you to feel into your power through core work.
Intensity Level: Medium
Inner Guide Yoga 🧭
Tune in to your spiritual guides around and within you. INNER GUIDE is a challenging physical practice that encourages humility and reverence. Every pose will be an offering to your teachers. This will be a time for devotion and surrender. Expect heart & hip openers and vinyasas.
Intensity Level: Medium
Love Yoga ❤️🔥
Opening the heart requires intensity and diligence. Expect a challenging vinyasa flow with a focus on heart openers and backbends with long holds for meditation.
Intensity Level: High
Purify Yoga 🔥
Use the power of intention, focus and traditional Tibetan methods to drastically alter thought patterns that hurt or limit progress and joy. PURIFY uses a Tibetan technique called the four forces to purify or transform negative states of mind into something useful for our spiritual progress. Expect a challenging vinyasa flow with long holds and an emphasis on hip-openers and twists to burn off impurities and negative karmic seeds.
Intensity Level: High
Self Care Yin Yoga 🧖
Many sages say simply: serve others as if it were yourself. This radical Tibetan practice is called Tonglen, or "giving and taking." This class will use the light of wisdom and compassion to destroy suffering in the world. Expect a series of long-held, prop-heavy yin postures.
Intensity Level: Low
Smile Yoga 🙃
Turn that frown upside down. In Buddhism, joyful effort is one of the 6 perfections. Happiness is something we create, not a random event. In this practice we will put in the work to expand the edges of our kindness and cultivate a state of joy. Expect a fun vinyasa flow with inversions.
Intensity Level: Medium
Restorative Yoga 💤
Restore and rejuvenate. Our restorative yoga is designed to rejuvenate the body and the mind. Candles, pranayama, essential oil, music, and props aid you on your journey to regulate the nervous system and calm the mind. This might be the perfect practice to close the week and prepare you for the weekend.
Intensity Level: None
Meditation Classes
Bliss 🍯
Cultivate a totally happy state of mind and open heart using a traditional rejoicing meditation. Joy is a powerful tool for prosperity. Students will be invited to reflect on what they've done that brings them joy.
Goals 🏆
Learn how to achieve your goals by creating new habits of mind. Embody the highest version of yourself.
Inner Guide 🧭
You are your best teacher. Connect to your highest, deepest wisdom with this meditation to call the teacher to you.
Love ❤️🔥
Everyone always talks about how great unconditional love is. The truth is that it’s hard. It is a spiritual practice. Learn how to truly create a mind that loves everyone, including yourself.
Purify 🔥
Use the power of intention, focus, and traditional Tibetan methods to drastically alter thought patterns that hurt or limit progress and joy.
Self Care 🧖
Many sages say simply: serve others. This radical guided visualization is in the Tibetan tradition, and dissolves pain (yours, ours) with the light of wisdom and compassion.
Sky Body 🌬️
Use visualization and pranayama to purify and heal the body starting at the nexus of the subtlest mind and subtlest energy: the chakra system. Expect breathwork!
Total Purity 🫧
Learn how to transform negative patterns, fears, and addictive states of mind. Total Purity meditation invites students to create a concept of a totally pure state of mind and then to relate with it as a tool to relieve inner states of suffering.
Breathe 🫁
Don’t work hard, work smart. Learn how to make your mind like a laser-beam using traditional methods for single-pointed focus.