Three Jewels-13JA4A7942_RT.jpg

Rachel Webb

Yoga & Meditation Teacher

Pronouns: she/her

Trainings: Asian Classics Institute 18 Courses (2020), 200 Hr Meditation Teacher Training (2017), 200 Hr Yoga Teacher Training (2018)

Three Jewels describes her class as:

Yoga Music: Anything Miriam Parker likes

Hometown: Ridgefield, Connecticut

Birthday/ Astro: Aries, Capricorn Moon, Libra Rising

Why Yoga/ Meditation/ Buddhism? I started taking yoga classes in 2007 at Yoga to the People almost every day. It saved my life. I owe a lot to YTTP. I started studying Buddhism in 2014 after meeting Hector and Stephen in a cafe in Bushwick.

Favorite place on earth: New York City!

When Im not at Three Jewels, I'm: answering emails about Three Jewels

Hidden Talent: Never giving up

Guilty Pleasure: NETFLIX

Pet Peeve: My own lack of patience.

Favorite Book: Anna Karenina or the Unbearable Lightness of Being. Favorite dharma book has got to be the Bodhisattvacharyavatara or the Wheel of Sharp Weapons Lo Jong

Favorite Musician: Pink Floyd

Favorite TV Show: The OA

Who, or what, was your biggest teacher: It's a secret, but you know them now and you've always known them!

Anything else: Teachers who inspire me at Three Jewels include Hector Marcel, Coco Korniczky, Rose Erin Vaughan, and Miriam Parker. My teaching style is offering the gems I have learned from them coupled with my own little insights.