
Carlos Alberto

Meditation Teacher

Pronouns: He/Him

Trainings: MNDFL Meditation Teacher Training in 2016 & Advanced Meditation Teacher Training in 2018

Three Jewels describes his class as:

Hometown: New York City

Birthday/ Astro: Taurus

Why Yoga/ Meditation/ Buddhism? I wanted a better way to experience life without having to wait for a happiness in the future.

Favorite place on earth: Costa Rica

When Im not at Three Jewels, I'm: living what I preach at Three Jewels

Hidden Talent: Calligraphy, sewing, baking, gardening, carpentry

Pet Peeve: Phones that ring during meditation sessions

Guilty Pleasure: 80% Dark Chocolate

Favorite Book: The Power Of Now by Eckhart Tolle

Favorite Musician: Matthew Halsall, The Gondwana Orchestra

Favorite Movie: Baraka (1992)

Who, or what, was your biggest teacher: The breath is my best friend and continues to be my greatest teacher

Anything else: The greatest thing you’ll ever learn, is just to love and be loved in return.