PLANETARY Film Shows that Interdependence and Perception are Key To Fixing Our Planet

'We are not ON the Earth we are OF the Earth’

Planetary Collective just released their feature film "Planetary" on Earth Day, April 22nd, 2015 worldwide. It is a cinematic journey around Earth with commentaries from Scientists, astronauts, meditation teachers, environmentalists and more. The film is a beautiful reminder that we are all connected with each other and our planet. It reminds us to treat our surroundings the same way that we treat ourselves and that through understanding our interconnectedness, we can fix all of our problems.

Three Jewels Volunteers met the Creators of PLANETARY whilst on a 108 Lives trip in Nepal 2012. We loved this film so much that we became trusted affiliates of PLANETARY. Everyone that watches planetary via the Three Jewels link (below) will ensure that Vimeo & PLANETARY will donate 10% of the pay per view fee to The Three Jewels NYC and help us grow! so what are You waiting for? - Every human on the planet must see this deeply profound and moving film.