
Barbara Gentile

Yoga Teacher

Pronouns: She/Her

Trainings: June 2014, 200hrs YTT, Alignment Based Vinyasa at Greenhouse HolisticNovember 2014, 50hrs Aerial Mukti Yoga, Aerial Yoga at Jivamukti Jersey City August 2015, 25hrs Yin YTT, Yin Yoga at ISHTA with Ulrica Norberg June 2016, 108hrs Anatomy Studies for Yoga Teachers, with Jason Brown November 2017, 70hrs Yoga Tune Up TT, Level 1 June 2018, 8hrs The Roll Model Method-Science of Rolling, Yoga Tune Up

Three Jewels describes her class as:

Yoga Music: I don't play music when I practice Yoga

Hometown: Milan, Italy

Birthday/ Astro: February 13 / Aquarius

Why Yoga/ Meditation/ Buddhism? By accident, a friend took me to Yoga to the People in St. Marks

Favorite place on earth: Desert landscapes

When Im not at Three Jewels, I'm: Training circus

Hidden Talent: I see a lot of small details

Guilty Pleasure: French fries and donuts

Pet Peeve: Loud eating

Favorite Book: Siddhartha by Herman Hesse

Favorite Musician: Prince

Favorite TV Show: Seinfeld

Who, or what, was your biggest teacher: Opening myself to patience

Anything else: I want to learn more about plants to be a good garden keeper