THREE JEWELS | Enlightenment Studio

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Our 200-hour Yoga Teacher Training is Now Available Online

We are living in a time where everything is changing and no one really knows what the post-COVID world will look like. Now, more than ever, we are prioritizing the health and vitality of our minds, bodies and innate coping skills. 

When studios across the country were forced to close last year, we opted to evolve, collaborate and innovate so that we could offer our signature 200-hour yoga teacher training online. Since transcending the physical walls of our studio, we’ve grown our community and ability to share our resources with students around the world. 

Online teacher training is quickly becoming the norm and you’re probably wondering if it’s worth it. I mean, can you actually learn how to teach yoga online? 

The answer is yes, absolutely.  

A couple years ago, training to become a yoga teacher online was seen as “the lesser'' option compared to in-person training. Now, you can enjoy all of the benefits of the studio experience from the comfort of your own home. Our teacher training is accredited by Yoga Alliance and you will leave with the confidence to deliver creative and inspiring yoga classes that reflect your authentic voice. We are also offering a la carte options for some of our modules led by different teachers, which is great for current teachers to expand their skill sets and capabilities without having to commit to the full 200-hour program.

If you’re interested in getting a flavor for what you’ll learn during the training, we highly recommend you drop into one of our virtual classes (all free and donation-based during the pandemic), read our reviews or talk to one of our former students. Here are some of the top reasons why we love our online YTT:

Study Mahayana Buddhism
Westernized versions of yoga tend to embody colonialism- centering whiteness, aesthetic and fitness. The core teachings get lost when it becomes stripped down to an hour of instructors shouting transitions over workout music or just another wellness product to consume. 

Yoga is so much more than just the physical practice of asanas, which were originally intended to prepare the body for long hours of meditation. The ultimate goal of yoga is union with God and liberation from suffering through the paths of wisdom, devotion, selflessness and meditation. Our training connects you to the roots of this ancient philosophy and its deeper spiritual meanings. We encourage you to dig deep and ask yourself the big questions, like what kind of impact are you making as a teacher and how do you interact with others who aren’t in the room? We believe our practices on the mat are a direct correlation to our lives off the mat, allowing us to move about our daily activities with integrity and compassion. Learn how to approach life with an open heart while emotionally, spiritually and physically connecting to yourself and the world around you. When you teach yoga from a desire to help others, your students will gain more benefits than just clear instructions on how to make shapes with their bodies.

Support from Deep Practitioners
Who you train with is just as important as the content you’re studying because their style and voice will influence how you step into the role of the teacher. All of our teachers bring their own unique approach, specialty and passion to deliver a well-rounded foundational experience. Our program is not pre-recorded videos, it is a live and interactive online experience, allowing you to connect with and feel the presence of your teacher trainers. Yoga is complex and 200-hours of training is a lot of information to take in, so you’re definitely going to have questions. Our teachers are here to create a positive, judgement-free space where you will get to ask questions, have your unique body worked on and receive one-on-one support that will help get you unstuck and take all aspects of your practice to the next level. 

Practical Online Teaching Skills

“I wasn’t sure if I would be able to develop the skills when we switched to an online platform but I think we made our cues that much more deliberate, so when I eventually taught in person, it was easier because we had to be so clear on our language teaching online” —Sachi, YTT 2020

There’s nothing like the uncertainty that comes with a global pandemic to teach us the nature of impermanence. Our grasping to this body and to this life expresses itself by how we remain attached to plans, ideas or waiting for things to return to “normal.” Or we can release our grasping and embrace the present moment, which is exactly what we did in the face of last year’s lockdowns. Teaching yoga online is our new reality. Prior to the pandemic, learning how to teach in digital spaces was never taught in yoga teacher training. But in 2021, it’s an essential part of moving forward. We provide you with the tools you’ll need to start guiding classes both in-person and online.

There are so many benefits to doing your teacher training from the convenience of your home. You won’t have to quit your job or fly to a different time zone for a life-changing experience with a group of like-minded people. You can show up exactly as you are and train with world-class teachers who would otherwise not be available to you if you live outside of NYC. As studios open with new mask policies and sanitation practices, commuting to your computer instead will save you time, money and energy without the side of pandemic anxiety. All course material is online for you to access from your computer, tablet, smart tv or phone- the choice is yours! Our live classes will be recorded and available for you to rewatch at any time, which is a huge advantage compared to in-person training.

“I did not expect for my Three Jewels YTT to be just the thing I needed to be well equipped to handle the pandemic. Starting just before the pandemic hit and then having to adjust to a virtual setting was a huge shock at first. However, I was so grateful for the experience because it equipped me with a meditation practice that has to this day has helped me handle ALL the traumatic events from 2020, and the teachings I so needed to hear to be able to process the responsibilities I have with my place in this moment of global history. Virtual YTT has given me so many gifts outside of that, including an amazing community!” -Isabella, YTT 2020

Not only does yoga teacher training give you a life-changing experience, it helps you navigate them as well. There are so many transformative shifts that take place while you are going through the process. If you’ve been feeling stuck like something wants to change in your life but you’re not sure what or how, this could be the catalyst for change that you’ve been seeking. 

Similar to the soreness that accompanies a physical practice where you might be using muscles you’ve never used in the past, you may also have some discomfort mentally or emotionally as the process of a teacher training unfolds. You will explore your ego and core wounds with a compassionate sense of curiosity, allowing you to see the path toward freedom. So whether change comes in the form of radically upheaving everything about your life or small internal shifts that are only noticeable to you, this is a space for you to reconnect with your authentic self and be more in alignment with your deepest desires, including in the face of a global pandemic. 

Do you light up at the idea of being surrounded by people who are as excited about yoga as you are? Online teacher training allows for more diversity and broader perspectives as many of the trainees come from outside your immediate community. You get to know so many people with different backgrounds and stories, but all share time and space, similar goals and experience the same material. You will laugh, cry and sweat together. 

Teacher training is not just about receiving information, it’s about the journey that you go on and the relationships you form with your teachers and fellow students. Moving through the material with a consistent group of peers is what makes it a once-in-a-lifetime experience. You’ll get what you put into this training, which includes the opportunity to walk away with at least a few new friends and hopefully a mentor or two. Three Jewels is also known for our vast network of alumni who are driven by a strong sense of community and shared commitment to improve the world, one moment at a time.

Scholarships Available
One of the biggest problems perpetuated by the yoga and wellness industry is its homogeneity and reinforcement of existing financial and racial privilege. Our effort to prioritize safe, inclusive spaces means full and partial scholarships will be made available to BIPOC, TGNCNB+ and disabled folks. The scholarship application deadline is February 15, 2021.